Monday, September 9, 2019

Soul Mates

He gave her space. 
She presumed disinterest.
And there she went
Untimely egress. 
He tried to chase, 
But so it seemed
She had lost interest. 
Sometimes soul mates, 
Like ships,
Get lost at sea. 
Somewhere out there
Are she and he. 
Somewhere searching 
Adrift maybe. 
Drifting, drifting 
Through nights and days
Against endless horizon
Over roiling swells 
Asea in space
With churning hearts
Out of place
Alone apart. 
Up in the crows nest,
His heart is full - 
With his spy to eye,
A steady slosh on the hull.
Below, a listless sigh,
Way up above,
Where eagles fly,
Stars burn forever. 
He gave her space
At last, he knows better.
Bobbing on the waves
His woebegone letter
Bottled in corked glass.
Where is she now? 
Is she searching like him? 
Somewhere someway, 
Somewhere someday, 
He gave her space
Soul mates...

Saturday, September 7, 2019

My First Collection on Amazon: Beyond The Clouds of Misunderstanding

My First Collection is now available on Amazon and Kindle!

"Beyond The Clouds of Misunderstanding: Poetry and Spoken Word 1991 - 2005" by C. Gavin Skeen is now available for pre-order. The official release date is September 16, 2019!
Some of the works on this blog are in the collection, including the title piece:
Beyond the Clouds of Misunderstanding
Next Shakespeare
Blood Face Back

I didn't realize I had never put the title piece up before. Well, its up now. I'm so excited to have a published collection in the world! You can find the book at; C. Gavin Skeen Amazon Author Page

There is a video of me performing BTCOM on that page as well. If you are a poetry venue or bookstore interested in hosting me for a public reading of works from the book, contact me at

Beyond the Clouds of Misunderstanding

I encourage you to look in the mirror and
Love what you see. Be secure in your
Self. It makes sense for me
To want you to be the best you can be.
Everything I write is about one
Individual being the best he or she
Can be. Everything I write is about one
Strong person standing up for self,
Having the courage to face fear -- to stare
Down hatred -- to deny naysayers -- to cast
Aside guilt without a safety line --
To take the leap with faith in the self,
In yourself, in myself. I like what I see,
And work to continue liking me. Do you
Want to look back and smile? Shed denial!
Take pride in what you have accomplished.
To be happy, be strong, be you,
Be happy. I encourage you, because
I want more of me in the world.
The weak are violent -- the frightened are weak --
The haters are frightened -- The ignorant hate.
I want more of me in the world.
Be strong -- Take courage -- Love -- Explore -- Learn. Grow
Beyond the clouds of misunderstanding. Everything
I write is about one strong person standing
Up for Self. Everything I write is about
Many one strong persons standing up for themselves.
Solidarity of guiltless individuals will bring us
Beyond the Clouds of Misunderstanding