Row, row, row your boat
That has been the dream
Of many a maverick
Making his own scene
He does not need to fall in line
He does what he will dare
And if no one else rolls with him
Well dammit he won’t care
But if you wish to come along
And bring with you no strife
He welcomes you with open arms
To dance this jig called life
Row, row, row your boat
That has been the dream
To carve out his own reality
With a well lived life his theme
Some may stand and criticize
And say he is a tool
When if they dared to look around
They’d see they are the fools
Now that is no concern to him
For he has things to do
And if you are wise as that guy
You’ll get to moving too.
Row, row, row your boat
That is still the dream
To meet at that flotilla
And laugh, and hoot and scream
HIs oars are in the water
HIs muscles bulge and strain
But he keeps paddling forward
Even in the rain
They’re standing on the banks now
They’re watching as he goes
And praying for the mist to rise
To reveal the clarity he knows
Row, row, row your boat
That is still the theme
Of liberty and justice as reward
For those who dare to dream
Row, row, row your boat
Merrily, merrily, merrily
Because in actuality
Happiness is the theme